Izaut oeufs biologique: organic eggs 'extra fresh'

www.izaut-rustica.com Organic free range eggs from Izaut version francaise

Our mature flock comprises 150
ISA-blacks which lay 100 eggs
per day on average. Due to regular
sales, eggs are always available
'extra fresh' (less than 1 wk old).
They are fed with wheat & a
prepared mixture for mineral
supplementation. These foods
are all sourced from certified
organic growers.
The flock has full access
to a generous outdoor enclosure
where they forage for insects
and plants. In addition, they
are given greens and surplus
vegetables from our garden.
Here is our label.
The eggs are sold in 3 ways:
• at the St Gaudens market
• at the Aspet market
• direct from our premises
This room was specially
constructed for egg storage.
Insulation in walls & cieling helps
control temperature fluctuation.
It also comes in handy for
storage of the squash crop.
This is a remarkable hen.
She is the hardest to contain
and can appear in some most
unlikely places: on the woodpile,
in the workshop, or even atop the caravan. A born explorer!
Our younger flock comprises
100 ISA-reds which lay 50 eggs
per day on average. They came to
us in March of 2012 at 1 day old
They are not sourced from an
organic supplier, but before they
began to lay at 6 months of age,
they were nourished with organic
food for 6 months.